How to edit an event

Once an event has been created, it may require updating. If you created the event, you can find it in your "Event's I'm Leading" section. Otherwise, find the event through the Event Search, Event Calendar or Open Event List. On the Event page select the "Edit" option on the lefthand side of the blue toolbar.

Event Page Edit Option.png

The Update Event page will  prompt you to name the event, schedule a date and time, select the event category, the number of participants and alternates, who can see it, the event leader and add a description. 

Update Event Page office staff.png

 Note: when expanding participant count, if the event is not a "manual participant management" event, alternates will be moved to participant slots and notified via email.


You can also edit the following additional options: the liability waiver, the choice to advertise allows one to select an email list, selecting manual participant list, and switching to a paid event (to update a paid event see: ). Once you have filled out the required information select the "Submit" option at the bottom of the page.

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A notification will appear at the top of the event page, reminding you the event was successfully updated.

Successfully updated event notification.png

If you do attempt to delete the event, a pop up will appear, asking if you are sure you'd like to go through with it.

Note: only events without participants or those created by mistake should be deleted. If there are participants, you may reschedule the event, cancel the event and swap participants to other events, or swap all participants, then delete the event.