Administer Leadership Positions: allows you to create new Leadership Positions or update current Leadership Positions.
Administer Membership Types: allows you to create Membership Types or update current ones (arrangeable by Name, Duration, Start Month, Start Day, End Month, End Day, and Activity)
Administer Permission Groups: allows you to create new Permission Groups, or update current Permission Groups (arrangeable by Name, Description, Requirement and Automatic/Manual)
Administer Ratings: allows you to create a new Rating, manage Rating Types or update current Ratings (arrangeable by Name, Activity and Rating Type).
Equipment Maintenance Priorities: allows you to create a new type of Maintenance Request Priority, or update current Maintenance Request Priorities (arrangeable by Name and Severity).
Equipment Maintenance Statuses: allows you to create a new type of Maintenance Request Status, or update current Maintenance Request Statuses (arrangeable by Name and Completion).
Equipment Usages: allows you to create new Equipment Usage, or update current Equipment Usages (arrangeable by Name and Color).
Perform Site Maintenance: section allows you to merge duplicate users. Further issues should be directed to